National Crime Agency seizes home of alleged UDA man

Detective Superintendent Bobby SingletonDetective Superintendent Bobby Singleton
Detective Superintendent Bobby Singleton
The National Crime Agency (NCA) has seized the home of an alleged senior member of the South East Antrim UDA.

The NCA obtained a Recovery Order by consent over the Carrickfergus property under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

The investigation, carried out by officers working as part of the Paramilitary Crime Task Force (PCTF), related to the home of an alleged senior member of the loyalist paramilitary group.

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The NCA alleged that the property was originally acquired using the proceeds of mortgage fraud, tax evasion and money laundering, before being placed into his wife’s name.

Following the commencement of proceedings in the High Court in Belfast, the defendants decided not to contest the case and agreed to the house being recovered.

NCA branch commander Billy Beattie said: “Civil recovery and tax plays an integral role in the work of the PCTF, and these powers are a strong tool in preventing those engaged in criminal activity from benefiting financially or materially from it.

“The NCA is committed to pursuing the assets of criminals, no matter how carefully they have been hidden.”

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Detective Superintendent Bobby Singleton, the PSNI’s PCTF lead, said: “As the seizure demonstrates we will use any and all lawful means at our disposal to bring paramilitaries to justice. Whilst this latest seizure is significant we have a great deal more to do to rid our communities of the coercive control of paramilitaries.”

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