Seven more Covid-19 deaths take place over weekend in Northern Ireland

Four deaths were recorded on Saturday and a further three on SundayFour deaths were recorded on Saturday and a further three on Sunday
Four deaths were recorded on Saturday and a further three on Sunday
Over the weekend seven deaths took place that have been linked to coronavirus, the Department of Health has said.

Four deaths were recorded yesterday (Saturday) while three were recorded today.

An additional 2,389 positives cases were recorded – 1,115 today and 1,274 yesterday.

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To date, 2,550,278 vaccines have been administered in Northern Ireland.

Meanwhile in the Republic of Ireland there were a further 1,384 confirmed cases of Covid-19.

And in England it has been revealed that almost a fifth of the most critically ill coronavirus patients in recent months were unvaccinated pregnant women.

NHS England said that, between July 1 and September 30, 17% of Covid patients receiving treatment through a special lung-bypass machine were mothers-to-be who had not had their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

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Mother-to-be Claire Bromley, 33, spent almost a month in hospital with coronavirus and said she feels the risk of being unjabbed “far outweighs any doubts” about getting a vaccination.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid encouraged pregnant women to have the jab.

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