A Sinn Fein apology for the Bobby Storey funeral could wrongly given the impression that the social distancing breach was not deliberate

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
It is expected that a motion at Stormont today will call on the Sinn Fein ministers Michelle O’Neill and Conor Murphy to apologise for their actions at the funeral of the IRA leader Bobby Storey last week.

That funeral was a disgraceful and calculated and massive breach of the guidance on social distancing.

An apology would be welcome but even if was forthcoming, or there was an ‘explanation’, it would add to the sense that it was all a regrettable mistake, which with hindsight now looks to have been wrong.

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To accept such an implication from Sinn Fein would be a grievous insult to the population at large in Northern Ireland.

Since March 23 people across the Province have made unprecedented sacrifices. They have lost jobs, they have been cooped up at home, missed exams, not seen grandchildren or loved relatives, not been with friends, been unable to celebrate special occasions. Hundreds have been fined. Above all, they have been unable to attend funerals.

It was Sinn Fein, let us not forget, which was most sanctimonious about lockdown, and which has wanted to go slowest on relaxations, including to visits to cemeteries.

It was Michelle O’Neill who lectured us daily about what she said could and could not be done.

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The breach was not some unfortunate misjudgement into which the Sinn Fein leaders inadvertently blundered, the seriousness of which they have only latterly realised.

It was an entirely calculated breach by republicans, and indeed various people pleaded with them not to do it.

But it is not merely Sinn Fein who have behaved in a deplorable fashion, but Belfast City Council too. That they blocked off Roselawn cremation slots for an IRA terror mastermind when law abiding, rate paying residents of the city have missed funerals must lead to consequences.

Meanwhile, if the other parties including unionists accept Stormont as usual after some fudge on this scandal to placate Sinn Fein, then unionism will seem to be signalling that republicans can do as they please.

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