Adams is a recruiting officer for unionism

Sinn Fein of party president Gerry Adams speaking at a Sinn Fein conference on Irish unity at Belfast's Waterfront Hall last Saturday. He is pursuing a double act, says David Barbour Photo: Sinn Fein/PA WireSinn Fein of party president Gerry Adams speaking at a Sinn Fein conference on Irish unity at Belfast's Waterfront Hall last Saturday. He is pursuing a double act, says David Barbour Photo: Sinn Fein/PA Wire
Sinn Fein of party president Gerry Adams speaking at a Sinn Fein conference on Irish unity at Belfast's Waterfront Hall last Saturday. He is pursuing a double act, says David Barbour Photo: Sinn Fein/PA Wire
Some credit may be given to Mr Adams and Sinn Fein for the Westminster local election results and the unionist fulcrum at Westminster.

When unionists lost so badly in an Assembly election that could have been avoided, Mr Adams rubbed our noses in it.

His boasting; swagger and gloating was a sure measure to aggravate the unionist sector and ensure they remembered his threats next time.

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He would probably disagree with this but he is an important recruiting officer for the unionist cause.

His double act of wanting to reach out to unionists while threatening to remove their national determination and identity is seen for what it is – a farce.

David Barbour, Coleraine

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