Donald Trump has an unconventional style but he has achieved things

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor
Love the man or loathe him, but President Donald Trump has created a political tsunami, in getting North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un to not only budge on his nuclear arsenal, but to indicate that in this regard changes could be discussed.

Yes, President Trump’s approach to his responsibilities are perhaps unconventional, but he has achieved a lot more in his time in office than many of his predecessors did, and in that I include many of our British prime ministers.

Should the forthcoming intended meeting, between President Trump and the North Korean leader produce further political favourable détente, it will be a historical milestone towards global peace.

Should that be the case, then the free world will breathe a sigh of relief, and Mr Trump will rightly deserve to be honoured with a Nobel Peace Medal.

Harry Stephenson, Kircubbin, Co Down