Dublin Airport will continue to support tourism in Northern Ireland, as it has done for many years

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Contrary to recent claims made by Ian Paisley Jnr, to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, Dublin Airport does not advertise at airports in Northern Ireland to attract people when they arrive in Belfast to “go south”.

It is ludicrous to suggest that our marketing is aimed at visitors arriving in Northern Ireland by air, as they have already made their travel arrangements.

Dublin Airport’s advertising in Northern Ireland is aimed at Northern Ireland residents and is focussed on promoting Dublin Airport’s unrivalled connectivity and the quality of our airport experience.

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Mr Paisley’s claim that 70% of Dublin Airport’s marketing budget is spent in Northern Ireland is false.

As a commercial business, Dublin Airport serves the entire island of Ireland and will continue to invest in advertising to Northern Ireland residents.

Dublin Airport will also continue to support tourism in Northern Ireland, as it has done for many years, though the provision of global connectivity to and from the island of Ireland.

In the Northern Ireland market, Dublin Airport is the largest gateway for international (i.e. non-UK) visitors though its extensive and growing short-haul and long-haul networks.

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Dublin Airport looks forward to continuing to facilitate even more overseas access to NI for tourists and other visitors this year, with new routes to six long-haul and 17 short-haul destinations.

Paul O’Kane, Chief Communications Officer, Dublin Airport