Dublin government has become a bellicose bastion of anti-UK sentiment

Enda KennyEnda Kenny
Enda Kenny
In contrast to the dignified understanding from former Taoiseach Enda Kenny and the government of the Republic of Ireland two years ago, when the UK by means of a democratic vote decided to leave the European Union, we have been subjected to anti-UK rhetoric by his successor Taoiseach Varadkar and Tanaiste Coveney '“ two bellicose politicians dedicated to souring relations between the Republic of Ireland and the UK with particular emphasis on Northern Ireland.

It is unbelievable that a confidential conversation regarding Brexit between UK negotiator Dominic Raab and Tanaiste Coveney was divulged and misrepresented by Taoiseach Varadkar (a claim made by Mr Raab in the Sunday Times, who said that divulging the conversation had not been ‘particularly professional or statesmanlike’).

It is just one of the many examples of these two politicians behaving irresponsibly for political purposes. It might be prudent if they could forget their egotism and remember a pithy saying that might once again be in vogue: when the UK coughs, Ireland gets a cold.

Wilson Burgess, Londonderry