In answer to Lowry, Enniskillen blast is already being blamed on the Brits

IVU would wish to commend Ben Lowry for his excellent column ('˜How long before the IRA blames Enniskillen and La Mon on the Brits?' January 30)

The answer to Mr Lowry’s question - not very long. There are already republicans and their ‘legal’ mouthpieces who would suggest that the bad Brits were responsible for Enniskillen.

The re-write programme of The Republican Movement has been ramped up in recent weeks to an almost fever pitch level and the campaign is difficult to combat because it is so entrenched within the heavily resourced Sinn Fein organisation, sections of the media and academia, ideologues practising law (or working for ‘NGO’s) and others who hold personal grudges against the State for a variety of different reasons.

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IVU will not assent to the demonisation of the security forces. We are clear that where an individual member of the security forces broke from the code and has been evidentially found in the established judicial court process - (not a kangaroo court) to have committed a criminal act that this cannot and should not be stood over - it was wrong.

Republican and loyalist terror organisations were not practitioners of good and bad actions. Terrorist organisations very being and their resultant actions were entirely wrong and without legitimacy.

They were not paramilitaries, they were terrorists and the security forces were committed to stopping all terror groups. Let’s also be clear; what happened here was not a ‘War’ or ‘Conflict’ - it was a terrorist campaign with ethnic and sectarian focuses.

We will continue to stand by and up for the thousands of men and women who put a uniform on their back and went out to protect the community, who faced a terrorist onslaught, who paid with their lives, limbs (and wits) These individuals are the heroes and martyrs within our Society.

Kenny Donaldson, Innocent Victims United, Lisnaskea, South Fermanagh