Is my vote worth the ballot paper?

We will never be rid of coalition. Is my vote worth the paper it is written on?We will never be rid of coalition. Is my vote worth the paper it is written on?
We will never be rid of coalition. Is my vote worth the paper it is written on?
As the Northern Ireland electorate are being bombarded by all kinds of fanciful promises by those wishing to be elected to what has become a moribund county council at Stormont, surely the time has come when the British and Irish governments come to the electorate's aid and remove the millstone they have placed around our neck in the form of a coalition.

The vox populi perception of the forth coming elections is that never in the field of electoral conflict has such an array of ineptitude presented itself for public office.

The factions masquerading as a coalition have nothing in common other than the number of seats they can garner, and unless both governments intervene we will never be rid of these turbulent parties.

Aware that Stormont is not peopled by the intellectually curios I will make my question simple.

Is my vote worth the paper it is written on?

Wilson Burgess,


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