It is fair to ask for proof of Covid vaccines, but not to make that burden of proof too onerous

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
News Letter editorial of Saturday December 11 2021:

There idea of vaccine passports is a controversial one.

Many people think that they are an infringement on civil liberties.

Others reject the very term passport, and think it is merely a justified attempt to give preferential access to people who have taken the precaution to reduce their risk of having or spreading coronavirus.

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This newspaper comes down, narrowly, on the side of proof of Covid jabs, because they have been shown to be so very effective in diminishing the impact of Covid. High levels of vaccination among the population will greatly reduce the pressures on the NHS.

They make another lockdown much less likely, and further lockdowns are to be avoided at all costs, given the huge social and financial damage that they cause.

But the change in the Covid certification requirements in Northern Ireland from Monday are not widely understood and have not been sufficiently publicised. There has been a misapprehension that the old cards, given to people when they got their jabs, are not sufficient as proof.

Last night the government said that such cards were sufficient. It would be utterly unfair if otherwise. Older people who have been conscientious in getting jabbed often have no access to apps and might not have applied for a letter, which is a cumbersome process.

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It is fair to ask for proof of jabs in certain circumstances but not fair to make that proof too onerous.

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