It was Sinn Fein who made the recall of Stormont a stunt

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I write to correct anyone who thinks the recall to Stormont on Monday was just a DUP political stunt.

It only became a stunt last week when Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill decided it was, and the other pro abortion parties then started repeating the lie.

I can assure Sinn Fein, and their abortionista lackies in the SDLP and Alliance, that the 20,000 people who marched against this Sinn Fein sponsored abortion deal with the British, and the thousands more, including myself, who campaigned tirelessly over the last five months to stop the impending holocaust of Irish unborn babies and their mothers at the hands of British abortionists, were not DUP stool pigeons nor were they participating in a stunt.

To say otherwise is an insult to those who value all lives, born and unborn.

John Austin, Limavady