A modern-day echo of past false vows from a nationalist

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
During my historical research I came across a statement from Michael O’Neill, the Westminster MP for Mid Ulster. He would probably be described as a constitutional Nationalist.

In 1952 he was also a member of Omagh Rural District Council (there was no ban on double-jobbing in those days). At that time councillors had to take an oath of allegiance to the monarch.

A contemporary newspaper account reported as follows: “Within one hour of signing a solemn declaration of allegiance to Queen Elizabeth, Mr M.O’Neill MP, at Omagh Rural Council yesterday, said the oath was a scrap of paper, and that he and the 33,000 people he represented owed no allegiance to any foreign queen. Their allegiance was only to Ireland.” (Northern Whig, June 10, 1952).

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I am reminded of the statement by Colum Eastwood when he entered the Westminster Parliament in December 2019:

“Under protest and in order to represent my constituency I do solemnly swear, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth her heirs and successors according to law.

“My true allegiance is to the people of Derry and the people of Ireland.”

How little has changed.

Dr Paul Kingsley, Belfast BT4

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