A united Ireland should be a new one, not merely grafting the North on to South

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Brian Doyle:

The conversation on Irish unity appears to be growing. As this discussion takes place, we need to ensure that all voices in Irish society are heard and included.

A united Ireland should not be about merely grafting the North onto the South. Rather, it provides an opportunity to build a new Ireland.

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This discussion presents us with an opportunity to tackle those aspects of our politics and society that are crying out for change.

Let’s use this time to create a new, national health service, a sustainable housing policy, universal childcare provision, and to ensure the transition to a carbon neutral economy.

This should be about creating new political structures built on diversity — an equal society, not just between orange and green, but between urban and rural, old and young, men and women, LGBT and straight, old and new Irish, black and white.

Consideration of the shape and nature of new constitutional arrangements for an agreed, united Ireland requires an inclusive forum so that all these voices can be heard.

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Recognising this, it is clear that the Irish government needs, in the immediate period ahead, to convene a Citizens Assembly to create a democratic foundation to prepare for any border poll.

Brian Doyle, Corlismore, Co Cavan

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