An intemperate diatribe from Jim Allister against the kindly Edwin Poots

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Micheal O’Cathail:

If Mr J Allister QC MLA hasn’t anything positive and helpful to say, it is better for him to hold his piece (‘Edwin Poots is building the stepping stone to an economic all-Ireland,’ August 26, see link below).

There is absolutely no call for the intemperate manner of his distasteful attack on Mr Edwin Poots MLA and former leader of the DUP.

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I note that Mr Poots is considering the possibility of running for Westminster, if the current MP, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, were to step down.

I wonder if this possibility has anything to do with the vehemency of Mr Allister’s personalised and intemperate diatribe against the kindly Mr Poots.

Micheal O’Cathail, Fermanagh

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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