Arlene Foster should quit as DUP leader if she does not have stomach to lead unionism when we have an Irish Sea border

Arlene Foster, seen with Boris Johnson at Stormont in July 2019 weeks before he agreed the Irish Sea border, has merely said she will "keep the pressure" on him over the new barrier. Picture Matt Mackey / Press EyeArlene Foster, seen with Boris Johnson at Stormont in July 2019 weeks before he agreed the Irish Sea border, has merely said she will "keep the pressure" on him over the new barrier. Picture Matt Mackey / Press Eye
Arlene Foster, seen with Boris Johnson at Stormont in July 2019 weeks before he agreed the Irish Sea border, has merely said she will "keep the pressure" on him over the new barrier. Picture Matt Mackey / Press Eye
A letter from Philip Black:

Peter Robinson (‘Unionists face choice of scrap sea border or keep Stormont,’ February 12, see link below) wrote:

“... one lesson learned after decades of dealing with governments is that they don’t yield unless life has become uncomfortable. Statements and speeches will not turn them ... is the scrapping of the protocol more important than the operation of the assembly. A choice may have to be made ...”

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It would appear that Arlene Foster has made that choice as in her comments (Feb 13, see link below) she prioritises that parody of democracy at Stormont above taking effective action for the Union. Instead she will “keep the pressure on Boris Johnson”.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Is this the same pressure as the DUP has been exerting on him since he became prime minister and which has brought us an Irish Sea border which continues to be implemented by a DUP minister?

Mrs Foster’s words and the statement issued by the DUP on February 1 are as “a tale ... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” unless there is a threat to something which matters more to London than the protocol — like Stormont — as Jim Allister has pointed out (Feb 14, see link below).

Indeed by ruling out such action she is effectively giving the EU and Johnson the green light to continue to ride roughshod over the position of Northern Ireland as an integral part of the United Kingdom — reinforcing the message already sent by her party voting in the Assembly to impose on NI the very EU regulations she claims to oppose!

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If Mrs Foster does not have the guts or ability to successfully defend the Union she should resign as leader of the DUP and leave its defence to those who will.

Philip Black, Lurgan

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