Armagh service showed how Protestant churches have abandoned biblical positions

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Richard Ferguson:

The recent ecumenical centenary service in Armagh highlighted once again the blindness and theological ignorance of the main Protestant denominations here in Ulster.

Historic Biblical Protestantism has always identified the Pope of Rome as the Antichrist foretold in Scripture.

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See for example Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 25 paragraph 6. This was the uniform position of our reformed forefathers based on such texts as Daniel 7, 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 13 and 17.

Of course for the leaders of the Presbyterian, Episcopal and Methodist churches in Ulster such a position is highly embarrassing. Embarrassing because it exposes their abandonment, betrayal and denial of historic, biblical and confessional Protestantism; it condemns their unbiblical union with Roman Catholicism; and it is contrary to the contemporary, liberal, pluralistic agenda of society today which hates the certainty, the dogmatism and exclusivity of biblical Protestantism.

Yet, regardless of the acute embarrassment caused to modern liberal churchmen, the reformers and puritans were absolutely correct to identify the Pope as the Antichrist because the Bible does so and Protestants should not be ashamed of such teaching nor should they make any apology for refusing to engage in ecumenism on account of it.

Richard Ferguson, Dollingstown

• Other reactions to the centenary service below, and beneath that information on how to subscribe to the News Letter

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