As for me, I believe in God

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Norman Quinn:

FD Tombe on Friday May 21 (‘Religious belief is mocked yet it is Big Bang believers who should be embarrassed,’ see link below) refers to the most widely held alternative view of the origin of the universe as being The Big Bang Theory which he says postulates that all matter has exploded from a very small object.

The theory is even more astounding than this.

According to the UKs biggest astronomy magazine Sky at Night Jan 2018 page 40 “all matter, energy, space and time erupted into being” ... out of nothing.

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In their own words “the idea that the Universe popped into existence out of nothing is utterly bonkers”.

As for me, I believe in God.

Norman Quinn, Newtownstewart, Co Tyrone

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