As Kate Hoey says, Jim Allister is a lone voice against the scandal of special treatment for Sinn Fein/IRA

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
It amazes me why there is all the surprise at the special treatment of Sinn Fein/IRA in the burial of one of a leading republican terrorist.

Are people suddenly becoming aware after all this time to the two-tier system that exists in Northern Ireland?

We have seen the reluctance to prosecute republicans recently.

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The whole of Northern Ireland knew that the British government had given On The Run letters and Royal Pardons to the IRA, but nothing was done to stop this scandal.

The whole of Northern Ireland knew that the DUP had agreed the Stormont House Agreement that meant that justice was turned on its head as those who stood between us and evil were to be pursued. Where were the dissenting voices from the churches, media (not including this newspaper), politicians?

As Kate Hoey points out (‘Sinn Fein wants Northern Ireland to fail, which means forced power sharing at Stormont is dysfunctional and cannot work,’ July 7) , Jim Allister is the lone voice in opposition to this scandal. Why do many people in Nothern Ireland bury their heads to what is happening in this country?

Maybe someday they will wake up, but by that time it may be too late.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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