Ukraine invasion: Beware the beating of the drums of war by Boris and the British media

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Gerry Cullen:

There is no doubt that many men and women from N. Ireland have fought with distinction in many wars since World War II, and previously in World War I.

Sadly many paid the supreme price with their lives, and many more returned home with their lives shattered. Their commitment was never in doubt.

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What is in doubt is the commitment of past and present Labour and Conservative British governments.

As Boris Johnson and the British mainstream media ’beat the war drum’ for conflict with Russia, the Ukrainian people would do well to remember the experience of Syrian, Iraqi, Libyan and Afghan people who Britain and their NATO allies encouraged to rebel.

But when the going got tough, Britain and NATO slipped away and left people enslaved to sectarian warlords and despots.

The ethnic Russian people of eastern Ukraine can learn the same lesson by not trusting Vladimir Putin, for when it comes to deserting people Mr Putin is as capable as his NATO counterparts.

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Whether or not N. Ireland soldiers are deployed to Ukraine doesn’t detract from the fact that N. Ireland is currently making a contribution to war and mayhem in the region.

Missiles made in Belfast have found their way to Ukraine in much the same way as via Saudi Arabia they have found their way to the Yemen where they contribute to the killing of men, women, and children.

Of course we don’t talk about that in N. Ireland as these weapons provide jobs, which is more important than talking about the deaths of innocents abroad.

Is it too much to ask that Britain, USA, Ukraine and Russia try and build a democratic civil society in Ukraine where Ukrainian and Russian people can learn to embrace different identities instead of humiliating and provoking each other?

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One thing for sure is that Ukraine has nothing to learn from N. Ireland where our own ethnic leaders seem determined to ensure that the building of civil society will remain a ‘pipe dream’.

Gerry Cullen, Dungannon

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A message from the Editor:

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