Declining a vaccine cannot return to life any child aborted in the 1970s

Declining vaccination may help the virus run wild, as well as reducing NHS ability to deal with emergenciesDeclining vaccination may help the virus run wild, as well as reducing NHS ability to deal with emergencies
Declining vaccination may help the virus run wild, as well as reducing NHS ability to deal with emergencies
A letter from Dr James Hardy:

Your reporter Philip Bradfield (‘Clerics call for jab with no links to abortion’, December 24, see link below) examines the reluctance of some clergy to receive currently available coronavirus vaccines.

Over two decades ago, a challenging GP consultation during Advent drew me to desist from referring clients for abortion and to embrace the biblical faith.

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Shortly after my retirement, Bishop Harold Miller ordained me as an evangelist in 2017.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Advent 2021 has seen a wide variety of former NHS colleagues relaying messages about the intense 2021 NHS strain, with intensive care and other staff ‘running the treadmill’ for many months on end.

Declining vaccination may help the pandemic virus run wild, as well as reducing the ability of a hard pressed NHS to deal with life threatening emergencies.

Declining a jab cannot return to life any child aborted in the 1970s, whose cells have been cultured and used in vaccine production.

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Many other infections (Diptheria, Measles, Mumps, Pnemococcus, Rubella, Smallpox, Tetanus, Whooping Cough) have been successfully suppressed by vaccination.

Are pro-life Christians generally called to follow the science, and to avail of life saving NHS treatments already on offer — the AZ and Pfizer jabs?

Dr James Hardy, Belfast BT5

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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