Documentary claimed loyalists planned school attack, for which there’s no evidence, yet propagandists ignore actual IRA school attacks

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Not for the first time when it comes to legacy issues, the News Letter is to be commended.

As new generations grow up who didn’t experience the years of terror it is more important than ever to defend the record of the RUC and UDR who played such an important part in saving lives across Northern Ireland.

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That said one point about the film which hasn’t been made yet. While propagandists have suggested that British intelligence was planning an attack on a Roman Catholic primary school without a single shred of evidence they conveniently ignore the attacks which actually did take place in schools and on those employed in education.

One thinks of George Saunderson, shot 10 times in the back in the kitchen of his school in Teemore, Fermanagh while drinking a cup of coffee.

The headmaster’s crime? To have served in the UDR from which he had retired.

Of Herbert Kernaghan, an off duty UDR shot in front of pupils when he delivered goods to St Tierney’s Primary in Roslea in October 1979.

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Of James Graham, an off duty UDR man, shot as he arrived at St Mary’s Primary School Derrylin as he arrived to take pupils swimming.

If one were to look beyond my native Fermanagh you would find cases like the murder of 16 year old Edward Wilson, blown up in the grounds of Cavehill Primary.

Cases like RUC man Andrew Johnston, murdered when a bomb exploded in Carrick Primary, Lurgan, in 1975.

School bus drivers like off duty UDR man James McKee, shot while delivering school meals between Omagh and Cookstown in 1978. School teachers like Eva Martin or Mary Travers.

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The outrage expressed by Republicans on twitter at the groundless allegation that British intelligence was planning to attack a school stands in stark contrast to their silence on these incidents which actually happened.

Samuel Morrison, Dromore, Co Down

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