Ian Paisley: My close friend John Finlay is an inspiration in his faith and courage

Councillor John Finlay has stood by Ian Paisley Jr MP “through thick and thin”, says the latter. Mr Finlay is seen above in 2018 supporting Mr Paisley at a meeting of the local DUPCouncillor John Finlay has stood by Ian Paisley Jr MP “through thick and thin”, says the latter. Mr Finlay is seen above in 2018 supporting Mr Paisley at a meeting of the local DUP
Councillor John Finlay has stood by Ian Paisley Jr MP “through thick and thin”, says the latter. Mr Finlay is seen above in 2018 supporting Mr Paisley at a meeting of the local DUP
A letter from Ian Paisley MP:

It has been correctly observed that the true character of a person is most clearly seen in how they respond to adversity and challenge rather than how they respond to the less challenging and easier times in life.

The comments by my personal friend, supporter and colleague John Finlay is a perfect example.

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John has been told he has a short time to live due to a devastating cancer diagnoses he has received.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

His response has been to be open with people, tell them of his condition, to actually apologise that he has not been able to offer the complete service of him that his constituents have come to expect.

But then to use what would be for some a crushing stone of anxiety as a foundation rock upon which to stand and proclaim his Christian testimony and faith in his saviour is quite frankly inspiring to both young and old.

Instead of falling apart and giving up hope John is looking forward to even more wonderful and hope filled times ahead.

What a faith, what an example and what utter courage!

I salute him.

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John is one of my closest friends both in and out side of politics. He has stood by me through thick and thin. He has campaigned for me. He has championed me — even at times when others would not.

He has done so with a spirit of enthusiasm and grace.

As personal friends he has supported my daughter in her missionary teaching endeavours both practically and in ensuring opportunities for her to spread the good news of what she does with the mission group LMI.

John has been my North Antrim Association chairman for more years than I care to remind him.

He has been a steadfast guide and help to those in the association and he has been a champion for the views and values of a party my father founded.

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In life we are not often afforded the opportunities to say thank you publicly and to hear worlds of gratitude. But today following on from John’s statement yesterday (‘Councillor: I have only three months to live — I will keep serving,’ June 9, see link below) it gives me the opportunity as his MP, his friend, his colleague to say ‘thank you my dear friend, God bless you’.

Ian Paisley Junior, DUP MP, North Antrim

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