Leo Varadkar’s real agenda is to have Sinn Fein as a coalition partner

Leo Varadkar and Mary Lou McDonald in a debate last year. Mr Varadkar would like to be in cabinet with Sinn Fein, writes Tom CarewLeo Varadkar and Mary Lou McDonald in a debate last year. Mr Varadkar would like to be in cabinet with Sinn Fein, writes Tom Carew
Leo Varadkar and Mary Lou McDonald in a debate last year. Mr Varadkar would like to be in cabinet with Sinn Fein, writes Tom Carew
A letter from Tom Carew:

The recent speech by the Fine Gael party leader Leo Varadkar has a really sinister line that “no one group has any veto on the future of this island”.

So why the enforced power-sharing at Stormont in the Friday April 10, 1998 Belfast Agreement?

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Or its provision that only a referendum of its own people can decide the constitutional future of Northern Ireland?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Varadkar also totally ignores both

a) the recent key Life & Times poll that only 30% in NI want ‘unity’, and also

b) the earlier one that most in the Republic will not pay a penny for it,

as well as the cost, not only

c) the vast annual subsidy from taxpayers in Great Britain to Stromont of maybe £11 billion and

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d) the further cost of all the direct funding from Westminster of eg Customs, Army etc in NI, but also that

e) 37.7 % of the extra Covid spend in NI — to date — has been from Westminster (£2.3bn of £6.1 bn).

Why ?

And why does he also so arrogantly and dismissively (and once again) talk about and at — but not to or with — the cross-community pro-Union majority in NI?

Because his real and cynical agenda is have his party in Cabinet with Provo Sinn Fein after the next election, and to outflank — and bury — the widely respected and trusted Fianna Fail Leader Micheal Martin and his principled anti-Provo wing in his party.

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And also to deflect attention from his own complete and ongoing failure to tackle either health or housing, where on both of these key issues his own instincts are — and always were — deep-blue Tory, but that shameful failure will only further boost SF who — during the Feb 2020 election campaign — doubled their vote due to those two key issues.

And from 2011 until 2021 Varakar’s party held the key posts of both Taoiseach, health and finance but let health and housing continue to fester.

But why should anybody in the South who wants ‘unity’ vote for a proxy Provo and not for the real thing ?

Tom Carew, Dublin 6

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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