Letter: It is beyond belief why so many take part in such an exhibition as Pride given the intolerance shown to its critics

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Ron Crawford:


Not a notice in the window of a mental institution but a placard carried in the Belfast Pride parade last Saturday. The aim of the alphabet soup ideology is to destroy the concept of traditional marriage between one man and one woman for life and to abolish most restraints on sex which already permits transgender men to dominate women's sports and activities as well as using women's bathrooms.It is beyond belief why so many watch, never mind take part in such an exhibition given the intolerance shown by these ideologies who are demanding firms dismiss employees and banks close accounts of those who dare to ventilate a perfectly valid alternative view, as it is not just acceptance they demand but celebration of their lifestyle choices. Next up on their agenda is the sexualisation of primary school children under the sex education programme being foisted upon us by the secretary of state.

Ron Crawford, Dromore, Co Down

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