Letter: On the subject of the Windsor Agreement, some within unionism need a reality check

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Alex Swan:

From the debate within unionism regarding the Windsor Agreement and a possible return to Stormont one thing is clear, some within unionism need a reality check.

With Northern Ireland representing around 3% of the UK population (the DUP 1% ?), a General Election in the next eighteen months and the economy in dire straits, does anyone seriously expect the Prime Minister to drive a DUP coach and horses through what has been agreed with the EU, risking a trade war?

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Yes the opinion polls show a clear majority of DUP voters are opposed to any form of trade barrier at the Irish Sea.

However, how many of those backing the DUP protest really expect the Stormont boycott to succeed? The same DUP voters, I imagine, who support the Orange Order’s protest at Drumcree. As the Orange Order knows, defiance doesn’t guarantee success. In 2047 are we to celebrate 25 years of political chaos at Stormont?

It’s thought that a Labour government may provide the DUP with a way out of their predicament. Sir Kier Starmer has suggested there will be less divergence from EU regulations under Labour, leading to easier trade with the EU.

Ironically, it was maximum divergence that was sought by the DUP and their friends in the ERG.

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Unfortunately the problem is timing. With the election 18 months away and any outcome of negotiations a further 18 months beyond that it would mean the Stormont boycott stretching out to four and a half years.

Many in the DUP know unionism can’t wait that long. The DUP are at a crossroads.

Do they bury their heads in the sand or make what will be a difficult decision to secure the Union by striving to make Northern Ireland work?

Party or country, the future of the Union could well depend on it.

Alex Swan, UUP member and former councillor, Drumbo