Peter Hain is in no place to give lectures to people about honesty

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Tom Nash:

Yesterday on BBC Radio Ulster Talkback Peter Hain who was talking about the current disorder and Boris Johnson, brazenly stated that “honesty in politics ... is always the best policy, and that wasn’t the case and still isn’t the case”.

He was unchallenged. But Baron Hain was in a political party which lied to all of us about On The Run Letters and Queens Pardons for republican terrorists!

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And I wonder if they also lied to us about the Good Friday Agreement, leading us to believe that it was a ‘peace settlement’, when more and more it looks as if it was a secret agreement with Dublin and PSF/PIRA that it was a peace ‘process’ to be exploited until ‘Brits Out’ had been achieved.

Nowhere has this been more clearly exposed than the way Brexit has been used to annex Northern Ireland to the EU.

And didn’t Peter Hain’s colleagues, Tony Blair and his sidekick Alastair Campbell, mislead people (to put it mildly) about Iraq weapons of mass destruction, and as result start a war that continues to this day and has cost many, many lives?

Mr Hain should take on board the old adage ‘people in glasshouses’ etc.

Tom Nash, Derriaghy

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A message from the Editor:

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