Some unionists rejected the European Union because it rejected God, but the English speaking world is not in better moral shape

"God doesn’t feature in the EU constitution, and most of the EU’s fanatical supporters are attracted to what they perceive to be a materialistic cornucopia""God doesn’t feature in the EU constitution, and most of the EU’s fanatical supporters are attracted to what they perceive to be a materialistic cornucopia"
"God doesn’t feature in the EU constitution, and most of the EU’s fanatical supporters are attracted to what they perceive to be a materialistic cornucopia"
When Great Britain left the European Union at the end of January, unionists carrying Union Flags celebrated at Stormont even though Northern Ireland’s place within the UK had just been substantially weakened.

What therefore would they have been celebrating?

One possible answer is that these unionists considered the EU to be the organisation that has all along, since the 1960s, been goading the UK government into following an Irish nationalist agenda, and that they saw this moment as perhaps being the turning point.

There are many who believe that the EU is the ten horned beast mentioned in the Book of Revelations, and there is certainly enough symbolism connecting it with Babylon to cause those who aren’t convinced to at least suspend judgement.

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Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

More important than the symbolism however is the question of what the EU’s ultimate agenda is, and that agenda is certainly not to serve God the Creator.

God doesn’t feature in the EU constitution, and most of the EU’s fanatical supporters are attracted to what they perceive to be a materialistic cornucopia.

But where does England go from here? There is no point in escaping from the frying pan just to land in the fire.

The English speaking world, to which Brexiters assume we will now be setting our sights, is in no better a moral shape than that of the EU itself.

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The form of worship that dominates today in the USA and the British Dominions takes the form of idolising the things that God hates. We are living in an era where presumptive sin is glorified.

Let’s consider where England has reached today since it first bent the knee to Moloch in 1967. Recently a policeman in the East of England walked into a place of work and confronted an employee in the presence of his workmates.

The policeman calmly announced to the employee that he is not being charged with any crime, but that he has committed a “non-crime” which will be reported as a “hate-incident”, and that the matter will be recorded.

The hate speech in question was never fully spelled out in the media, but it seems to have amounted to mocking the things that satan likes.

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What of course made the story even more interesting was the fact that a brave judge condemned the action of the police and informed us that we have never lived in an Orwellian society. Maybe not, but we would appear to be on the verge of it.

The trial runs are certainly at an advanced stage. And it as yet remains to be seen whether or not Mr Justice Knowles himself gets a visit from the Thought Police to be relieved of his job.

So with half of England eager to crawl back into the clutches of the ten horned beast again, what of the other half? What is their vision of England’s future? They were very keen to get out of the EU, so keen in fact, that they were quite happy to surrender to Irish republicanism and leave Northern Ireland behind.

There wasn’t a single dissenting ‘Conservative and Unionist’ MP who stood up for the Union when it came to the crunch?

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This paints a picture of a selfish spirit, and this doesn’t inspire us to believe that England’s future will be bright.

How do English Brexiters expect an independent Great Britain to thrive when it is morally bankrupt? God only supports nations where the people keep his laws, and there is no sign at all of a return to the Christian morality that was the backbone of European civilisation for centuries.

We are witnessing a nation that has no qualms about sacrificing her own people in order to make things easy for themselves.

It’s a nation which has sold out to satan, and unless it changes its ways, its destination will be akin to how things ended a few thousand years ago down at the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

FD Tombe, Belfast BT15