Sporting bodies need to contest the new Covid outdoor rule of only 15 on a pitch

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Dominic Gallagher:

With the regard to sport, the Northern Ireland executive has said that from April 12 only 15 adults can train on one pitch at a time.

Any opening is to be celebrated but this rule will disadvantage clubs with only one pitch or where the coach is not able to take successive sessions.

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Exactly why 15 per pitch was seen as the golden ratio remains a mystery.

A recent study from the Republic of Ireland showed that only 0.1% of Covid transmission occurred in outdoor settings and only 0.05% occurred in sport settings.

If ‘follow the science’ is a sincere mantra then it is pointing quite clearly to a return to normality on the sports field.

Sporting bodies such as Ulster GAA and Ulster Rugby need to stand up for their members and contest this policy.

Dominic Gallagher, Glenavy, Antrim

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A message from the Editor:

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