State schools in Northern Ireland promote a liberal ethos hostile to Protestant culture

The state school system is already halfway to integratedThe state school system is already halfway to integrated
The state school system is already halfway to integrated
A letter from Clive Maxwell:

The ‘Protestant’ community is in the grip of many plagues, and apathy, is the most frightening.

It has spread with a debilitating affect to cloud our judgment in the areas of education and politics.

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Roman Emperors understood its corrosive affect and set their stall accordingly. They operated on the principle of ‘bread and games’. If people are ‘fed, watered and entertained’, they are satisfied. It left Caesar with unfettered power to control the masses.

Are we any different?

We have our own diversions that command our attention, and lower our resistance to government diktat.

The ‘Protestant’ community is ill-served by failing politicians who once roared like lions, but now have all the menace of tame mice. Warming the green benches in parliament, and elevated to the House of Lords, they are dozing off into obscurity, until they are in receipt of their pensions, and there is no fresh talent coming through: young men, and women, with fire in their bellies.

I believe this dearth of talent can be traced back to our schools.

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State schools have failed to produce leaders, but promote a liberal agenda that is hostile to, and suppresses our culture. In addition, it has promoted social apartheid that has divided the ‘Protestant’ community.

Catholic education doesn’t make that mistake. It promotes excellence, subject to the overall needs of cohesion in their community, passes on their culture, and produces leaders!

Their children are empowered, and our children politically naïve. They are wide open to manipulation, and, moulded by the liberal lobby, lack the skill to question: they render to Caesar without demur.

The state system, and its liberal ethos that indoctrinates, is sapping the strength of our community. The Catholic system that encourages its children to question, analyse, and challenge, making them less vulnerable to manipulation, and more assertive, needs to be careful what it buys into.

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At a time integrated education is being promoted: would it be an improvement?

The ‘Protestant’ community whose children are educated in the liberal ethos of the state system, inimical to its culture, that has left it weak and divided, with no real sense of its own identity, is more inclined towards integrated education, and has less to lose: it’s halfway there!

Integrated education may be a credible aim for the future. At the moment the Catholic community doesn’t need it: and the ‘Protestant’ community won’t survive it.

Clive Maxwell, Bleary

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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