Unionists shouldn’t fear a Sunak victory

Rishi Sunak’s policies might be better for the economy - and therefore the UnionRishi Sunak’s policies might be better for the economy - and therefore the Union
Rishi Sunak’s policies might be better for the economy - and therefore the Union
A letter by R G McDowell

Unionists will be paying more attention than most to the Conservative leadership contest as they wait to see if the next Prime Minister improves their fortunes relating to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

In truth, however, we need to remember that not a single Conservative MP voted against the introduction of the NI Protocol despite an internal border being the very antithesis of taking back control.

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Many unionists seem to be hoping for Liz Truss to win and while I certainly wish her well if she succeeds I think unionism is wrong to believe that any one Prime Minister is significantly better for us than any other. I do have doubts that her tax cutting plans are potentially inflationary and overly simplistic. I believe the Conservatives are the most successful party in history because of a belief in good husbandry which at present seems to find a better expression in Rishi Sunak. Maintaining a strong UK economy will do more to preserve the Union that trusting in the unionist sentiments of any one Conservative MP.

On paper Boris Johnson seemed like he should be great for unionism, full of patriotic zeal and for many of us a very likeable persona but in practice he has been the most devastating prime minister for unionism in the history of Northern Ireland. While he is hated in unionist circles it is hard to imagine that a Jeremy Corbyn premiership would have done us any more harm.

I don’t think unionists should fear a Rishi Sunak victory. He is right to want to avoid a trade war and in the long term we will have to reach a deal with the EU rather than simply acting unilaterally. Many English MPs are nether unionist or nationalist in their sympathy but quite simply ignorant of Northern Ireland until they are the person responsible for taking decisions.

Unionists should worry less about who is in the top job and simply deal with whoever is in front of us by holding our nerve and refusing a return to a Stormont Government until the Protocol is removed or so emasculated as to be worthless to the EU.

R G McDowell Belfast, BT5