Unionists will think this is the right decision against the internal UK trade barrier

David McNarry says a unionist vote split three ways is not viableDavid McNarry says a unionist vote split three ways is not viable
David McNarry says a unionist vote split three ways is not viable
A letter from David McNarry:

Removing the first minister from office signifies that DUP patience with the prevarication of the EU and Conservative government over the Irish Sea border has been exhausted.

Paul Givan’s resignation represents the extent of unionist indignation at the pernicious Northern Ireland Protocol. It is the right decision.

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Jeffrey Donaldson has taken unionists to the point of no return in forcing the rejection of the protocol.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Unionists are united in demanding that there can be tolerating of EU control and oversight of NI affairs.

The onus is on the DUP to spell out how it intends to play its part in the future governance of Northern Ireland. If unionists cannot be accommodated in our own country, devolution is at risk.

Ben Lowry’s article on Saturday, January 29 (‘DUP seems to be staking out the centre of unionism,’ see link below) rehearses the path the DUP must take.

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But so long as unionists remain divided and lacking a coherent strategy, they are incapable of drawing unionism together.

The forthcoming Assembly election is the most crucial in our lifetime. It is a poll for unionists to lose by self inflicted confusion and division.

A split vote will result in serious long term repercussions, putting the integrity of the Union and the Belfast Agreement in jeopardy.

Sinn Fein will be the beneficiary and will muster a strong campaign.

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Unionists have had enough of being diminished, devalued and disrespected by nationalists – they do not need the madness of three unionist parties fighting each other in a nasty election.

There is common agreement that the voting share will pan out around 44% unionist, 36% nationalist and 14% neither.

Any number-cruncher can predict that splitting 44% three ways is electoral suicide. It is a tall order of discipline, but the significance of an electoral pact is in securing a potential unionist bloc of 32 unionist seats — a number no single unionist party will get near.

It is not too late to avoid the consequences of fractured unionism.

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Respectfully, I appeal to the unionist leaderships to unite and put the country before party.

I ask that they come together and present a joint manifesto embracing true unionist values in a lasting genuine election pact.

Now is not the time for personality politics.

It is an opportunity to demonstrate leadership.

David McNarry, Former UUP and UKIP MLA

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A message from the Editor:

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Ben Lowry, Editor