You say Sir Jeffrey that we are hurling grenades over the inaction on the Northern Ireland Protocol, but it was you who stood up with a grenade

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Samuel Morrison:

I was bemused by Sir Jeffery Donaldson’s claim that TUV have been “hurling grenades” at him because of lack of action over the Irish Sea Border (November 1, see link below).

This is the same Sir Jeffery who told the Irish Times that he would pull his Ministers out of the Executive by the end of October if the Government didn’t legislate to restore Northern Ireland’s place in the UK internal market.

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This is the same Sir Jeffery who told Stephen Nolan some weeks ago “The government is going to introduce legislation in October on NDNA that’s when I would expect the Government to act on their commitment in NDNA to protect Northern Ireland’s place within the UK’s internal market.”

Asked if this meant he would pull his Ministers out of the Executive before November if the government didn’t act in October he replied: “I think that’s the sort of timescale we are working to”.

In light of the above I humbly suggest that rather than anyone “hurling grenades” at the DUP leader it was he who stood up with a grenade, announced that he had pulled the pin and told us all it would go off at the end of October.

It’s your grenade Sir Jeffery, not anyone else’s. All we are doing is asking why it didn’t go off.

Samuel Morrison, TUV Dromore Co Down

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