Naomi Long: Stalking destroys lives, is a crime and it must be stopped in Northern Ireland

Many victims of stalking have not only had to leave their homes, but their jobs and their friends behind in order to build a new life away from the stalkerMany victims of stalking have not only had to leave their homes, but their jobs and their friends behind in order to build a new life away from the stalker
Many victims of stalking have not only had to leave their homes, but their jobs and their friends behind in order to build a new life away from the stalker
From the outset of my tenure as Minister of Justice, I have set out a clear and unambiguous message that stalking, in all its forms, is wrong and will not be tolerated.

Stalking can be psychologically and physically damaging to victims, with delusional and obsessive offenders often going to extreme lengths to contact, follow, monitor and harass their victims.

Often, the stalker is well known to the victim and the stalking behaviour began during or following the breakdown of an intimate personal relationship.

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Many victims have not only had to leave their homes, but their jobs and their friends behind in order to build a new life away from the stalker, and even this is no guarantee that the stalking behaviour will end.

Naomi Long MLA is Alliance Party leader and justice ministerNaomi Long MLA is Alliance Party leader and justice minister
Naomi Long MLA is Alliance Party leader and justice minister

Earlier this year I created a new specific offence of stalking, which for the first time in Northern Ireland, captures conduct and acts associated with stalking behaviour.

Importantly, it focuses on recognising stalking behaviours, which are fixated, obsessive, unwanted and repeated.

I have now launched an awareness campaign which sends out a clear message that stalking is a crime.

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The new offence applies to two or more occasions that cause a person to suffer fear, alarm or substantial distress. A new offence of threatening or abusive behaviour has also been created, which can be triggered by a single incident.

The impact of the particular type of behaviour on the victim will be paramount in determining whether those offences have been committed.

Crucially, victims of stalking now have automatic eligibility for special measures assistance such as the use of live links or screens at court when giving evidence in proceedings.

I have also introduced greater penalties to reflect the serious impact that stalking has on its victims. The stalking offence will carry a maximum penalty on conviction on indictment of 10 years’ imprisonment or a fine or both.

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I am most grateful to the victims who very bravely shared their personal accounts with me.

I was struck by the different ways in which stalking can occur and how certain behaviours, such as sending flowers or gifts, can take on a sinister overtone when stalking is involved.

I want to encourage anyone who experiences stalking now, or in the future, to report it to the police. I also want to spell out the devastation that this type of behaviour causes. Put simply, stalking destroys lives, it is a crime, and it must be stopped.

• Namoi Long MLA is justice minister

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