PUP chair: Unionists should put aside rivalry at this uncertain time for Northern Ireland’s place in the United Kingdom

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Over the past 50 years unionism has been represented by a myriad of political parties and independent representatives, some more successful than others.

The common denominator for all, has been the determination that Northern Ireland maintains its position as an integral part of the United Kingdom.

Irrespective of how one voted in the Brexit referendum, the undeniable outcome has created a climate of uncertainty within unionism, probably not seen since the Home Rule crisis.

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Regardless of whom you hold responsible for creating the uncertainty, it is quite clear that now is the time for unionism to set aside divisive rivalries and speak with one voice, in promoting the benefits of retaining our place within the UK and for all concerned to cast their vote in the upcoming Westminster election and return those candidates, they believe to be best placed to represent the unionist cause.

Consequently, on behalf of my party, I am reiterating our call for a commitment from all unionist parties to come together under the umbrella of a Unionist Convention at the soonest possible opportunity to coalesce the unionist message.

Brian Lacey, Chair Progressive Unionist Party of NI, Shankill Road, Belfast