Reformed Presbyterian Church: We urge politicians to reverse abortion and same-sex marriage reforms

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland deeply mourns the passing into law of the amendments to the NI Executive Formation Bill, legalising abortion and ‘same-sex marriage’ in Northern Ireland.

We were encouraged by the strong, passionate pleas in the assembly chamber on Monday to respect the lives of the unborn. Tragically, they have fallen on deaf ears.

We urge the Northern Ireland Secretary of State, and all our local politicians, to think again, to respect the life of the unborn, and to immediately reverse this legislation.

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We were shocked by the singular lack of reference to the redefinition of marriage in the assembly. That the definition of marriage has now so drastically changed, without any legal safeguards for those who disagree with it, is deeply troubling – as is the near total silence on the subject from our elected officials.

The implications of this for society in the long term and for Christians in education and other parts of public life have not been considered by the governing authorities. Those who conscientiously object to “same-sex marriage” have no protection from prosecution. We urge the secretary of state to address this immediately, and to ensure that the right to freedom of expression for all citizens is safeguarded in law.

Our church has been fighting against the imposition of these laws, and will continue to do so. We have heard it said many times that to be pro-life and to believe in biblical marriage is to be on the ‘wrong side of history’. But the Bible tells us that history will one day come to an end.

The King of this nation and all nations will return in judgment.

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On that day, there will be no more debates, no more opinions. His Word is and will always be the only one that matters.

We continue to preach His glorious gospel and pray for His imminent return.

We urge those who are celebrating today to consider where they stand before Christ the King.

‘Surely I am coming soon.’

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! – Revelation 22:20b

Rev Philip Dunwoody, Ballymoney

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