Royal visit shows best of Province

Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh visit the Giants Causeway.
Photo by Aaron McCracken/HarrisonsHer Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh visit the Giants Causeway.
Photo by Aaron McCracken/Harrisons
Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh visit the Giants Causeway. Photo by Aaron McCracken/Harrisons
The recent two-day 90th birthday visit of Her Majesty the Queen was a huge success.

The events, covered by all sections of the local media, made the national news and sent out a very positive image of Norther Ireland and our people.

It is a major sign of political progress that Royal visits can now be announced well in advance, that people can meet the visitors close up and that all sections of our diverse community can take part.

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We need to fully appreciate the level of political progress we have made and build on these achievements for NI’s future prosperity and the well-being of all our citizens.

Councillor Adam Newton, DUP, East Belfast