SF and DUP should go their own ways

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
With reference to Alex Kane's comment on the Good Friday Agreement, ('˜We need to seriously think through the likely consequences of no deal,' Jan 15) Sinn Fein never took it on board as their sidekicks, the IRA, continued with the punishment beatings, threats and intimidations, and their reluctance to work with the DUP.

It was Sinn Fein and Martin McGuinness who walked away, not the other way round.

Then there was the taxi driver, murdered, and other atrocities that they carried out. What about the GFA there?

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If Alex is implying that the terrorists need an excuse such as the collapse of the GFA to take up arms and renew their campaign, then I believe he is wrong. I do believe when Sinn Fein are placed in a corner then like a cornered rat they would pounce.

Gerry Adams quoted those infamous words “We haven’t gone away you know” and I believe him.

The actions of two Sinn Fein members, Barry McElduff and Mairtin O Muilleoir, have not helped the party’s cause and if it were not for the tolerance of the Protestant/unionist people of Northern Ireland, the threat of violence on our streets would be imminent.

No one wishes for that to happen so Sinn Fein and the DUP should go their separate ways.

William Brown, Magherafelt