Teachers are rightly concerned but bravely stepping up to plate

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
Schools will close on Monday, after a public clamour for that massive step to be taken.

The UK government had explained why it was hesitant to do so, because children are less likely to be badly affected by coronavirus, and because it would cause massive disruption to working parents. Sure enough, it is causing massive disruption to parents.

To mitigate the impact of the closures, schools are to stay open for key workers. The education minister has explained that key workers are those who work in health and social care; in education and childcare; in public safety and national security; in transport; in utilities and communication; in food and other necessary goods; and other workers essential to delivering key public services.

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Naturally teachers are concerned about this, and have expressed concerns about confusion.

But it is hardly surprising that there is an element of confusion, given the speed of global events, and the scale of challenges facing the UK and NI governments.

Therefore it is greatly encouraging, even moving, to read a teacher on page 6 expressing concern about any risks to keeping schools open, but saying they would put their “shoulder to the wheel”. Also to hear a headmaster on BBC NI TV news saying his school would be open.

Doctors in Italy have been dying in alarming numbers. We must all do what we can to support these heroes on the frontline of this medical crisis, and other key workers.