The leaders of the Loyal Orders came together in County Tyrone on Friday, 1st of September, 2023, to mark the sixth annual Orange Victims’ Day. 

Representatives of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, the Royal Black Institution, The Apprentice Boys of Derry, The Junior Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, The Royal Arch Purple Chapter and the Independent Loyal Orange Institution took part in the ceremony hosted by The Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland in St. Anne’s Parish Church, Dungannon. 

(Photo by Graham Baalham-Curry)
:-The leaders of the Loyal Orders came together in County Tyrone on Friday, 1st of September, 2023, to mark the sixth annual Orange Victims’ Day. 

Representatives of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, the Royal Black Institution, The Apprentice Boys of Derry, The Junior Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, The Royal Arch Purple Chapter and the Independent Loyal Orange Institution took part in the ceremony hosted by The Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland in St. Anne’s Parish Church, Dungannon. 

(Photo by Graham Baalham-Curry)
The leaders of the Loyal Orders came together in County Tyrone on Friday, 1st of September, 2023, to mark the sixth annual Orange Victims’ Day. Representatives of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, the Royal Black Institution, The Apprentice Boys of Derry, The Junior Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, The Royal Arch Purple Chapter and the Independent Loyal Orange Institution took part in the ceremony hosted by The Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland in St. Anne’s Parish Church, Dungannon. (Photo by Graham Baalham-Curry) :-

In Pictures: Loyal Orders leaders come together in County Tyrone to mark the sixth annual Orange Victims’ Day

Representatives of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, the Royal Black Institution, The Apprentice Boys of Derry, The Junior Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, The Royal Arch Purple Chapter and the Independent Loyal Orange Institution took part in the ceremony hosted by The Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland in St. Anne’s Parish Church, Dungannon

Pictures by Graham Baalham-Curry