Leading Egyptian Christian theologian Dr Anne Zaki to address Presbyterian event in Belfast

​A special all-day conference will be held in Presbyterian Assembly Buildings, Belfast on Friday February 2​A special all-day conference will be held in Presbyterian Assembly Buildings, Belfast on Friday February 2
​A special all-day conference will be held in Presbyterian Assembly Buildings, Belfast on Friday February 2
​The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is to welcome a leading Egyptian Christian scholar to Belfast early next month, as the church continues to explore the challenges and opportunities faced by Christian communities in the Middle East, particularly with the current violent upheavals in Israel and Palestine.

​A special all-day conference in Presbyterian Assembly Buildings, Belfast on Friday February 2 is the latest in a series of held events over recent years, where Presbyterians have heard first hand from Christians living out their faith as disciples of Jesus Christ in the region where Christ was born.

Keynote speaker at at the conference, titled ‘God’s Church in Egypt: Challenges, Calling and Creativity’, will be Dr Anne Zaki, professor of preaching and practical theology at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo.

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The conference is organised by the the Presbyterian council for global mission and its secretary the Rev Uel Marr says this is an opportunity to hear from a renowned speaker who will reflect on what God is doing through the Reformed Evangelical Church in Egypt today.

"Given the context and various challenges, Professor Zaki will highlight how the Christian church is responding creatively to the call of God in Egypt, which has the largest Christian community in the Middle East.

“The conference will help us as a denomination to explore how best we can stand alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East in prayerful solidarity. It will also give us an insight into how we can support and learn from them, not least when they face persecution across the region, uncertainty and ongoing conflict,” said Rev Marr.

Those who have spoken at previous PCI events have included the academic dean of Nazareth Evangelical College and Presbyterians have also heard from the senior pastor of Baghdad Presbyterian church and general secretary of the Bible society of Lebanon, in conjunction with visits from Irish Presbyterian missionaries in the Middle East, based in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.

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In May last year, the then Presbyterian moderator, Rev Dr John Kirkpatrick, spent five days in Lebanon, primarily for a conference on Christianity in the region, organised by the National Evangelical synod of Syria and Lebanon.

Rev Dr Donald Watts, Irish Presbyterian international relations agent, confirms: “The Christian church has a long history in the Middle East, and we have heard from Christians from various parts of the region, yet Irish Presbyterians here don’t know much about the church in Egypt, and its undoubted influence.

"The country has the largest Christian community in the region, so the insight Professor Zaki brings will be important for our understanding,”

Dr Watts adds: “Christian communities in many parts of the world endure isolation, discrimination and persecution. This includes the complex context of the Middle East, so it is important for us to hear from those who live there and live out their faith in the region."

* Details on the conference can be found at www.presbyterianireland.org/events.

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