Independent Orange: Our anger at decision to bring in same sex marriage and abortion in Northern Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
As an organisation founded upon, and committed to, Biblical principles of morality and ethics, the Independent Loyal Orange Institution is deeply angered and disgusted by the decision by the House of Commons to support the introduction of “same sex marriage” and reform of abortion law in Northern Ireland.

These are sensitive, complex and controversial issues, on which the people of Northern Ireland have strongly held views, and it is wholly unacceptable that they should be foisted upon us within a Bill designed to address the functions of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

As the Bill is being fast-tracked, there will be no opportunity for proper analysis or debate.

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This is intolerable and reflects very badly on the Speaker of the House of Commons and the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

Those MPs who submitted the amendments have their own selfish and egotistical agendas, and, in the absence of devolved government, they are determined to ride rough-shod over the wishes of the people of Northern Ireland and their elected representatives.

No good can come from re-defining marriage. On the contrary, it will simply be a further step along the road towards social revolution.

And our hearts are breaking for the unborn children whose human rights are to be sacrificed in the name of human rights.

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We are very grateful to those MPs and Peers who have already spoken out and who are now challenging the constitutional validity of the abortion amendment.

We particularly commend Baroness O’Loan and Lord Eames for the open letter to the Prime Minister which has been signed by thousands of concerned citizens in Northern Ireland, and for the important amendment which they, along with Lord Hay, have tabled for debate this week.

We urge local MPs and Peers to continue to do all in their power to defeat last week’s outrageous decision and to ensure that there are no changes to marriage and abortion law until our devolved institutions are restored.

James Anderson, Imperial Grand Master, Independent Loyal Orange Institution