PM was deluded to expect to get EU reform acceptable to the UK

Ukip Leader Nigel Farage (left) with Northern Ireland Ukip MLA David McNarry in 2015. Photo: Liam McBurney/PA WireUkip Leader Nigel Farage (left) with Northern Ireland Ukip MLA David McNarry in 2015. Photo: Liam McBurney/PA Wire
Ukip Leader Nigel Farage (left) with Northern Ireland Ukip MLA David McNarry in 2015. Photo: Liam McBurney/PA Wire
Had it not been for Ukip's dogged perseverance the EU referendum would not be taking place.

Loyal to our monarch, loyal to the Union, loyal to maintain our Britishness and keenly in tune with public opinion, Ukip alone are fully committed to restoring our nation’s sovereignty and returning the country back to the people.

There is no longer any comfort zone or more money in hand-outs coming from the European Union for Northern Ireland.

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Of course Sinn Fein see a ‘UK remaining in the EU’ as continued opportunity for ripe pickings in their quest for a United Ireland. Unprincipled - yes! Unachievable - Yes!

But why not when most of the EU Commission support them? What really matters to Northern Ireland is our role as a constituent part of the UK. There has been a lot of scaremongering with some economists being ‘economic’ with the truth.

The ‘stay inners’ spin a good yarn with invented facts and figures which don’t stack up.

Amazingly they see the UK supplying billions of pounds more to the EU and getting back billions of pounds less billions in return as a good deal!

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They fail to admit that when the ‘UK exits the EU’ the UK would be some £10 billion a year better off.

Reprehensibily, the ‘Euro-luvvies’ target our local Agri-Food industries. Note, they shy away from fisheries. Because they know how that industry has been decimated and is all but washed up as a consequence of EU rules.

Farming will be better off and better respected when the ‘UK exits the EU’. Ulster Farmers will have immediate access to over £3 billion in addition to what they receive today in EU payments. Farming and fisheries can look forward to better funded times ahead.

I am not a European! I worked in both Spain and Italy where I loved the people and their cultures. I do not wish to be governed by the Euro club controlled by Germany and France.

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I do not believe that, when the UK exists the EU, the shutters go up on either side of our borders or that negative trade blocks will scuttle on-going trade.

Our great nation is steeped in a history of a ‘get on and do it’ attitude. Nothing changes. We are traders and dealers with a well-earned reputation worldwide. Look at what this country achieved in the past when looking after its own interests and negotiating its own trade deals.

Our survival depends on the pound in your pocket and not the Euro in the immigrant infested tunnel.

“Believe in our Britishness and the British will be better off. It is people power which will win the coming referendum.” said Nigel Farage.

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In response to the prime minister’s ‘deal’ with the EU Council President Tusk, Nigel Farage added: “If the question in June was should we join the EU we’d have to tell the British people you have to surrender the control and sovereignty of your parliament and have 75 percent of your laws made somewhere else.

“Your supreme court will not be supreme; you will be overruled by a court in Luxembourg made up by people who aren’t even judges. You will have to give up your fishing grounds, including, in some places, a 200 mile stretch of the North Sea.

“And you must cut your links with the Commonwealth and the wider world because you are no longer fit to negotiate your own global trade deals. Oh, and by the way for all of this you will be paying £55 million a day as a membership fee.

“What we got was a letter from Mr Tusk in which there is no treaty change, no powers returned to the United Kingdom and no control over our borders at all. In fact, it was hardly worth the wait; it is really rather pathetic.”

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The prime minister’s delusions of negotiating reforms acceptable to the British people have lamentably back-fired.

His appeasement cocktail of compromised concessions will only result ultimately in his ignominious defeat at the hands of his so called ‘friends’ in the EU Commission.

David McNarry MLA (Strangford) is NI Ukip leader