Sinn Fein: Lord Empey’s plan of handing control of health back to Westminster a non starter

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
With regard to Reg Empey’s opinion article (‘Sinn Fein is playing Russian Roulette with people’s health,’ November 5):

Here in the north, a decade of British Tory austerity has had a devastating impact upon our public services.

Since 2010 the block grant has been cut year on year.

Any attempts to hand control of the health service in the north to Westminster is a non-starter.

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It represents a cynical attempt to introduce direct rule by the back door and as such is unacceptable and flies in the face of the St Andrew’s Agreement.

Sinn Féin want to see an executive in place delivering good government and public services to all.

If that cannot be secured then the British and Irish Intergovernmental Conference must come into play, not unilateral control by a British government which is mired in chaos.

Sinn Féin spokesperson, Belfast

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