Teaching on homosexuality is clear in the Bible translated by the reformed Martyr Tyndale

The reformer William Tyndale, who was burned for heresy, translated the New Testament into English, which had things to say about the issues debated at the General AssemblyThe reformer William Tyndale, who was burned for heresy, translated the New Testament into English, which had things to say about the issues debated at the General Assembly
The reformer William Tyndale, who was burned for heresy, translated the New Testament into English, which had things to say about the issues debated at the General Assembly
I was intrigued to read Lord Alderdice's claim that 'The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is no longer the spiritual heir of the Protestant Martyrs of the 16th century, and is instead becoming more like a present day representation of those who lit the fires that burnt them.'

This got me thinking about the views of the Protestant Martyrs on the issue of homosexuality.

As Lord Alderdice will know one of the most famous Reformers was William Tyndale, burned in 1536 for heresy.

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Tyndale famously told a divine, “If God spare my life I will cause a boy who drives the plough to know more of the Scripture than thou”.

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Before being burned he made good on his promise by translating the New Testament into English.

What does Tyndale’s New Testament have to say about the issues debated at the General Assembly?

In Romans 1 it reads: “God gave them up unto shameful lusts. For even their women did change the natural use unto the unnatural. And likewise also the men left the natural use of the woman, and brent [sic] in their lusts one on another. And man with man wrought filthiness”. I Corinthians 6 it tells us “abusers of themselves with the mankind” “shall not inherit the kingdom of God”.

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It is regrettable that Lord Alderdice’s position obscures the good news which Tyndale’s New Testament goes on to give homosexuals: “And such were ye verily; but ye are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are justified by the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God”.

That was the message of the Reformers who burned.

Samuel Morrison, Dromore Co Down

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