RHI scandal: Fast-track audits of MLAs' families boilers, says Nesbitt

UUP leader Mike Nesbitt said it was unfair to infer people acted illegallyUUP leader Mike Nesbitt said it was unfair to infer people acted illegally
UUP leader Mike Nesbitt said it was unfair to infer people acted illegally
The leader of the Ulster Unionist Party has called for a fast-track audit of all boilers installed under the botched Renewable Heating Incentive scheme belonging to relatives of politicians.

Mike Nesbitt MLA said this would help clear up any concerns that might arise about “impropriety”.

He said: “This RHI scheme may have been fatally flawed, but it was legal and it is unfair to infer anyone who availed of the scheme was breaking the law.

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“It now appears a number of people are being subject to allegations and innuendo just because they are related to elected politicians.

“In fairness to them, it would be useful to ask Ofgem to fast-track audits on those boilers, so their good names can be cleared. It is important that if there has been no impropriety, then all doubt is removed.

“The public must have the full picture, not least so their confidence in the institutions is not further damaged, but importantly as they will be going to the ballot box.”