Parts of UK to sizzle in mini-heatwave (but NI to miss out yet again)

People playing in the sea on Weymouth beach in Dorset. PA Photo.People playing in the sea on Weymouth beach in Dorset. PA Photo.
People playing in the sea on Weymouth beach in Dorset. PA Photo.
The Met Office is predicting that parts of the UK will be hotter than mainland Europe this weekend.

But Northern Ireland looks set to miss out on the sunny summer weather.

The Met Office says it expects today to be the hottest day of the year in the UK so far with temperatures even nudging into 35C (95F) in Greater London.

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The hot weather will be widespread across south eastern areas in Kent and Cambridgeshire, where temperatures will stay around 33-34C (93.2F).

But sadly for us Northern Ireland will be caught by a slow moving weather front today, keeping temperatures at a balmy 22C (71.6F), that will go on to cool the rest of the UK tomorrow.