Centra launches series of 5k fun runs for Action Cancer

World Masters 800m champion Kelly Neely, from Lisburn, gets a little help from husband Ian, 18 month daughter Sarah and 13 year old Oliver Gilmore from Saintfield to launch a new series of fun runs across Northern IrelandWorld Masters 800m champion Kelly Neely, from Lisburn, gets a little help from husband Ian, 18 month daughter Sarah and 13 year old Oliver Gilmore from Saintfield to launch a new series of fun runs across Northern Ireland
World Masters 800m champion Kelly Neely, from Lisburn, gets a little help from husband Ian, 18 month daughter Sarah and 13 year old Oliver Gilmore from Saintfield to launch a new series of fun runs across Northern Ireland
Centra has developed a new series of fun runs to feed the recent upsurge in '˜social runners' in Northern Ireland whilst raising funds for a local charity.

Run Together is a set of four 5k races taking place across Belfast, Mid Ulster and Derry between June and October which encourage you to run with your partner, son, daughter, friend or neighbour to raise money for Action Cancer.

Social running is currently the biggest exercise craze in Northern Ireland and with these community events, Centra is aiming to appeal to the complete spectrum of runners from club runners to Park Runners and Couch to 5k runners to newcomers.

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The first event will take place on Sunday 5th June at Ormeau Park, Belfast with a second race at the Quay walkway, Derry~Londonderry on Wednesday 22nd June. A third event will take place in Mid Ulster in September and the finale of the series will be in Belfast in October.

Local athlete Kelly Neely, World Masters 800m champion, who recently sprinted home to win the 800m Gold at the European Indoor Master Championships, launched Centra Run Together with the help of her husband Ian and daughter Sarah.

“It’s fantastic to see the recent upsurge in participants in the ParkRun and Couch to 5k as well as the emergence of new community based running clubs in Northern Ireland,” said Kelly.

“Centra Run Together will provide a fantastic opportunity for this new audience of runners to capitalise on their training sessions in the ParkRuns and have a bit of fun competing, with friends and family not just cheering them on but actually running with them!” she added.

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Centra Marketing Director Michelle Fennell said: “With the launch of Centra Run Together, we are aiming to promote healthy lifestyles and encourage physical and mental wellbeing throughout communities in Northern Ireland.

“The series of runs will provide a novel way for you and your ‘running mate’, whether that’s your brother, cousin, daughter or schoolfriend, to get involved in a local community event, help raise funds for Action Cancer and hopefully have a lot of fun!” she added.