Rhys McClenaghan targets European glory after garden gym sessions

Rhys McClenaghanRhys McClenaghan
Rhys McClenaghan
Two months after eclipsing Max Whitlock to strike gold at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, Rhys McClenaghan found himself having to train in his mother's back garden after effectively being forced out of his Northern Ireland gym.

It was hardly the kind of homecoming the then 18-year-old expected after his historic triumph on the pommel apparatus which had for so long been the sole preserve of his double Olympic champion rival.

But defiant McClenaghan soon struck a deal to shift training to the national high-performance centre in Dublin, and his move paid off when he grabbed his second career World Cup gold in Turkey at the start of last month.

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Next week the Newtownards native will get the chance to prove his April victory over Whitlock was no fluke when the pair go head to head again at the European Championships in Glasgow.

McClenaghan said: “The situation took a bit of a physical toll because I wasn’t able to train to my full potential, but it didn’t affect me mentally one bit.

“It came completely out of the blue one day but I decided I was not going to let those people get me down and keep me back. It’s all about staying positive in these situations and that helps to build your character even more.”

McClenaghan felt his move was forced from the gym where he had trained in since he was a child after coach Luke Carson had his contract to coach at the club cancelled with immediate effect. Under the guidance of Carson, a close friend of another Whitlock rival Louis Smith, McClenaghan has emerged not only as his nation’s leading gymnast but an emerging medal hope for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

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And while his superb win over Whitlock on the Gold Coast proved a major career milestone, McClenaghan has had belief in his ability to rank among the best since his podium finish at the 2016 British Championships.

“I was standing on the podium behind Max and Louis and it felt like I’d really arrived in the senior category,” recalled McClenaghan. “Gold Coast was the next big step and now it’s exciting to have that rivalry.”

McClenaghan has certainly shouted his challenge from the rooftops, pinning a tweet after Australia in which he warned Whitlock he is “coming that world title next, Max”.

He could yet find himself adding Smith to his list of rivals with the four-time Olympic medallist believed to be considering a return to the sport with a view to adding his collection in Tokyo.

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But for now McClenaghan insists he is happy to pick the brains of Smith, who broke new ground for British men’s gymnastics when he won his first of three consecutive pommel medals in Beijing in 2008.

“Since Luke started coaching me I’ve always had the opportunity to speak to Louis and I’ve learned a lot from him,” added McClenaghan.

“He knows everything about the sport and he’s such a friendly guy, I can sit for hours and talk about different strategies and things I can bring into play. Louis is such a big role model for me.”