Sammy Wilson strikes back at Sir Reg Empey: ‘He has not been a great strategist in the past...’

Sammy WilsonSammy Wilson
Sammy Wilson
DUP MP Sammy Wilson has hit back at criticism from UUP peer Reg Empey, questioning the Ulster Unionist’s credibility when it comes to strategic thinking.

It comes as Sir Reg savaged the DUP handling of Brexit afresh, saying that collapsing the Assembly as the DUP is threatening to do is far from a solution when it comes to defeating the Protocol.

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Mr Wilson told the News Letter: “Since they [the UK government] seem to think the important thing is to keep the Good Friday Agreement institutions in place, then I think it’s right for Jeffrey to say: Look – unless you start behaving in a way which safeguards the Union, we’re not going to safeguard the institutions of the Belfast Agreement.

“Reg has not been a great strategist in the past, don’t forget.

“It’s Reg who brought us the Good Friday Agreement, Reg who brought us the kind of institutions we have now with Sinn Fein in government, Reg who brought us a situation where terrorist prisoners were released, and the police force was decimated.

“I don’t think we ever take any lessons in strategy from Reg – especially since he seems willing to give even more succour to republicans by telling them how brilliant they are.”

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(Sir Reg had said that republicans must be laughing at having the upper hand over unionists, see previous link).

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