Letter: Michelle seems set to make way for Mary Lou McDonald at helm of Sinn Fein

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from David Barbour:

It seems to me that Michelle O'Neill is being gradually demoted to make way for Mary Lou McDonald.

The acclaimed All Ireland leader of Sinn Fein a party that incorporates the IRA who hasn't gone away, you know (Gerry Adams).

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In her interview with Kate Burley Sky News (on Thursday) she exhibited her ability to handle what was asked by Burley who gave her generous time without interruption. Maybe this was a strategy. McDonald, as expected, ensured that Northern Ireland electoral opinion on Brexit was separated from UK total results on it.

If she can isolate us while in a United Kingdom democracy imagine how she would exercise her powers in a united Ireland?

David Barbour, Former Ulster Unionist Party councillor, Coleraine, Co Antrim

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